International Team

Lee, Kyungsook
Related Services
Trademark & Design Prosecution; Trade Secrets & Copyright; US Prosecution; Infringement & Validity Opinions; International Litigation; Counseling & Strategic Advice; International Team
Summary of Practice
Kyungsook Lee is a partner and member of the firm's trademark department, where she specializes in all areas of trademark law, including trademark prosecution, opposition and cancellation proceedings.

Additionally, Ms. Lee provides protection and enforcement strategies for domestic companies in the Fortune 500 and oversees the management of their trademark portfolios in more than 100 countries. As her clients range from cosmetic, chemical, automotive, airline, and service companies, Ms. Lee's particular strengths lie in anti-counterfeiting, infringement, negotiations and disputes, as well as unfair competition and copyright law.

Ms. Lee was admitted to the Korean Patent Bar in 2004 and is a member of the Korea Patent Attorneys Association and INTA.
College of Social Sciences, Ewha Womans University (B.A., Journalism, 1996)
Professional Experience
Ministry of Culture & Tourism (1998-2002)
Admitted to the Korean Patent Bar (2004)