Automotive, Robotics & Mechanics

Park, Seong-In
Partners; Attorneys-at-Law
Summary of Practice
Seong-In Park is a partner and member of the firm's patent department, where his practice focuses on patent prosecution, appeals and litigation related to electronic materials, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, bio and polymer technologies.
Mr. Park is one of the few attorneys in Korea that has passed separate bar examinations for the Korean Patent Bar and Korean Bar. As a result, he is qualified to represent clients in both the prosecution and litigation of patents.

Mr. Park also spends a significant time providing strategical counseling relating to the enforcement of IP.

Mr. Park was admitted to the Korean Patent Bar in 2007 and Korean Bar in 2015 and is a member of the Korea Patent Attorneys Association and Korean Bar Association.
College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University (B.S., Chemistry, 2000)
College of Law, Korea National Open University (LL.B., 2010)
Law School, Sungkyunkwan University (J.D., 2015)
Professional Experience
Admitted to the Korean Patent Bar (2007)
Shinsung Patent & Law Firm (2008)
PanKorea Patent & Law Firm (2009-2012)
Admitted to the Korean Bar (2015)
Law Office of Seungrok Choi (2015.5-2015.10)
KPAA; Korean Bar Association